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  FortiSwitch y FortiAPs

Expand your LAN network with complete security and control  

Unified Management 

Monitor and manage network switches and access points from a centralized console with FortiGate.

Simple Scalability  

Expand the network structure without comprimising netiher the security nor the efficiency, perfect for your growing business.  

Security in All the Access Points

FortiAP guarantees overseen and secure Wi-Fi connections for users and devices.  

Resources Optimization 
FortiSwitch provides a fast and reliable connectivity in the whole network, minimizing the risk of failure and enhancing the user experience.  

Fortinet FortiSwitchs y FortiAPs

Boost your network security and performance by bringing together FortiSwitch and FortiAP  with FortiGate. 

This Fortinet solution set-up secures a robust and scalable network, providing a centralized control of switches and access points. 

With this integration, OpenNube offers a unified infrastructure that allows to manage the network traffic with optimized efficiency, control and security.